Changing the Health
of the Nation
Future Champs was created in 2013 by our founder Nathan Riddle. In the past 10 years Future Champs has created Educational and Interactive programs to lead Children on a Fit and Healthy lifelong pathway.
Future Champs Goal: To change the health of the nation. We do this through educating and inspiring as many children and their families as possible towards happy and healthy futures. We teach the importance of learning Healthy Habits at a young age to improve the children’s long term health. We create an inclusive environment where every child has a voice and feels like they belong.
Changing the Health
of the Nation
Future Champs was created in 2013 by our founder Nathan Riddle. In the past 10 years Future Champs has created Educational and Interactive programs to lead Children on a Fit and Healthy lifelong pathway.
Future Champs Goal: To change the health of the nation. We do this through educating and inspiring as many children and their families as possible towards happy and healthy futures. We teach the importance of learning Healthy Habits at a young age to improve the children’s long term health. We create an inclusive environment where every child has a voice and feels like they belong.
Why choose us?
We’re making waves!
“I have seen the passion that Future Champs have to inspired and educate young children as well as building on physical motor skills that will help children to extend on other developmental skills within the future.”
It’s all happening at Future Champs!
It’s all happening at Future Champs!
“My daughter loves doing her sports and learning about health at kindy. She comes home and shows us her new skills every week.”